BBQ Steak Recipe

Print Recipe BBQ Steak Recipe Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes Passive Time 2 hours Servings people Ingredients 1/2 cup EVOO Extra Virgin Olive Oil1/2 cup Balsamic vinegar1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce5 Garlic cloves2 tsp Sea salt1 tsp Black…

Tender steak

What Makes a Naturally Tough Steak Tender?

Have you ever experienced the moment when you’re almost finished barbequing that perfect, extra-tender steak? You seasoned it perfectly, cooked it to absolute perfection, and can smell that smoky goodness filling the air around you. You take the steak off…

Steak Recipes

Balsamic Marinated Steak

This is one of my favorite summer steaks as you can use it as a salad topping, sandwich or crisp quesadilla. It will be even better with a nice glass of crisp Venho Verde. Serve with vine ripe tomatoes and grilled bread
Enjoy and Bon Appetit.

Medium Rare Grilled Filet Mignon

Filet Mignon: The Ultimate Cooking Guide

Picture this… You have reservations for one of the fanciest restaurants in town. White linen tablecloths, fine china and crystal glasses adorn the table. Your waiter has just lifted that iconic silver dome off of your gourmet steak dinner. We’re…

Steak Seasoning and Flavor (Part II)

While high-end steaks usually ask for minimal seasonings, the perfect dry rub or marinade can elevate your steak to an entirely new level. Now, in Part II of our intro into seasoning and flavor, we explore what an interplay of…

How The USDA Grades Your Steak

For steak lovers, suppliers, and farmers alike, the USDA’s beef grading system is the holy standard for all things beef, from ribeye to New York strip. But for those unfamiliar with how beef is graded by the USDA, the different…